$50$75$100 Dear Friends,We are working hard to provide our constantly growing community with a variety of classes, events, and outreach programs. As such, we are in need of volunteers to help us perfect the execution of each program.There are a variety of volunteering opportunities for you to choose from; delivering Shabbat packages, shopping, event set up and clean up, and light administrative work.If you'd like to get more involved please fill out this form and we will contact you with details. Thank you so much for your much needed help!The Boca Beach Chabad Staff Full Name First Name Last Name E-mail I would like to receive news and updates from Chabad of East Boca Raton by email. I understand that information I provide to Chabad of East Boca Raton will be used according to its Privacy Policy and I can unsubscribe at any time. Phone Number Area Code Phone Number Best way to contact me EmailTextCall I would like to volunteer for Shalach Manot deliveryShmurah Matzah packing and deliveryEvents set up & decorAdministrative and general assistance at ChabadShoppingCare package deliveryGeneral errandsEiruv Inspection I am available on a Weekly basisMonthlySeasonalAnytime Submit Should be Empty: This page uses TLS encryption to keep your data secure.