Sukkot Services Schedule
Sunday October 9 Erev Sukkot
Shacharit, 9:00 AM
Light candles at 6:40PM
Mincha, 6:40 PM
Monday October 10, 1st day of Sukkot
Shacharit, 9:30 AM
Followed by a Kiddush Lunch in the Sukkah. Sponsorship available here.
Mincha, 6:40 PM
Light candles from pre existing flame after 7:32 PM
Tuesday October 11, 2nd day of Sukkot
Shacharit, 9:30 AM
Mincha, 6:40 PM
Holiday ends at 7:31 PM
Wednesday, October 12
Shacharit, 7:30 AM
Thursday, October 13
Shacharit, 7:30 AM
Sips and Sliders- Family Sukkot Party 5:30 PM
Sponsorship available and welcome $180, $360, $540
Click here to RSVP and to become a sponsor (fee per person $18)
Friday October 14
Shacharit, 7:30 AM
Light candles at 6:35 PM
Mincha, 6:35 PM
Shabbat October 5
Morning Service, 9:30 AM
Followed by a Kiddush Luncheon- Sponsorship available
Click here to sponsor Kiddush
Mincha, 6:35 PM
Shabbat ends, 7:27 PM
Simchat Torah Services Schedule
Sunday, October 16 Hoshana Rabbah
Shacharit, 9:00 AM
Light candles at 6:33 PM
Mincha, 6:35 PM
Monday, October 17 Shemini Atzeret
Shacharit, 9:30 AM
Yizkor 11:15 AM
Mincha, 6:35 PM
Light candles from pre existing flame after 7:25 PM
Dancing with the Torah in Shul and Mizner Park
Buffet Dinner, Open L'chaim Libation Center
Sponsored by Ada Shepard
Tuesday, October 18 Simchat Torah
Shacharit, 9:30 AM
Kiddush, 10:30 AM
Hakafot, dancing with the Torah 11:00 AM
Mincha, 6:30 PM
Holiday ends at 7:24 PM