Dear Friend,
Maftir Yonah is the Haftorah that is read on Yom Kippur afternoon, featuring the famous story of Yonah and the whale.
According to Jewish tradition, it is a special "Segulah" - propitious merit, to participate in the sponsorship of its reading, as it creates an added "pipeline" of parnassah - income stream, for the coming year.
To afford as many people this unique opportunity and to benefit Boca Beach Chabad and its broad spectrum of programming, last year we launched the Maftir Yonah Project.
Participation in the Maftir Yonah Project calls for a commitment of $1800 to Boca Beach Chabad. All names of participants - including men and women, will be acknowledged before its reading.
Last year, twenty five people participated in the project, and many have reported on increased income and revenue benefits this past year.
Our goal is to increase participation to 40 people this year.
I hope that you will take advantage of this "win win" opportunity for you and for Boca Beach Chabad.
Wishing you Shana Tova Umetukah - A Sweet and Happy New Year,
Avrohom New
Chairman, Maftir Yonah Project.